RGM College Maxes Out PV Power with EKO Sun Tracking

RGM College
The Rajeev Gandhi Memorial (RGM) College is one of the top Engineering schools in India, recognised by the Indian Government's Ministry of Science and Technology's Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, with multiple accreditations and affiliations.
As part of their curriculum, professors and researchers in the Electrical Engineering Department wanted to install a high-quality sun tracker to support demonstrations, development and teaching. For this, they would need the sun tracker to function throughout the day and collect data continuously.
Working with the STR-21G
Together with our regional partners and distributors, Aimil, EKO introduced and installed the compact single-arm, 2-axis STR-21G Sun Tracker on the college's Nandyal campus and, with comprehensive training for the faculty, the researchers and students were quickly able to start measuring diffused horizontal irradiance (DHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and global horizontal irradiance (GHI).
Using the STR-21G, the team collected valuable data, helping them to enhance the electricity production of a test PV system they had been developing. The data showed the comparative power gains from using an array they had designed and built themselves to follow the sun's movement. They compared the results side-by-side with the yields from static solar panels.
The tracking technology in the STR-21G provided a crucial reference for use in the development of their PV panel tracking technology, helping to maximise the generation of electricity.
A research article written by Professors V Sundara Siva Kumar and S Suryanarayana from RGM Nandyal and ACE Engineering College further explains their findings and methodology when using the STR-21G.
EKO tracking technology is well-designed, low-cost and accurate. Several solar tracking technologies are available on the market, but this dual-axis tracking technology has the potential for higher energy gains compared with fixed solar panels and single-axis tracking.
Powering the Next Generation
In this 2014 research report, the STR-21G proved itself an invaluable tool for educational and research purposes. The project's promising results have helped others learn and devise new ideas and solutions. For over 7 years, this sun tracker has helped to train a new generation of solar researchers and engineers.
EKO Instruments would like to sincerely thank everyone at the RGM College of Engineering & Technology, and Aimil, for their contributions and continuous work to improve and optimise PV systems.
Easy to set up, the STR-21G automatically adjusts to the sun's position, even if the tracker is not perfectly oriented or levelled, and with an integrated GPS receiver, 4-quadrant precision sun sensor, and Harmonic Drive® technology, the STR-21G is built to deliver unparalleled precision, optimal positioning, and reliability. Visit the STR-21G Product Page to learn more.